Today was my day for the "House of Restoration". We had a really good Bible Study with about 10 ladies this week and Tasha and I feel like the women are beginning to warm up to us a little bit now. One young lady shared how yesterday, she accepted the Lord and she was able to give a brief testimony of how God has changed her mind and heart already. How important is that for us as believers to verbally share what God has done in our lives? It IS the beginning of true discipleship! I hang my head to think how long I have known the Lord and how STILL I back off from opportunities to testify about God in my life. I learn many things from these women.
I also was able to ask how did your week go (meaning are you still clean....remember this is a house for addicts, prostitutes, alcoholics, etc.)? On the way home, I begin to think about how my week had gone. Could I answer that for one more week I was clean ...spiritually speaking? Sure, my addictions and strongholds are not the same sins but sins all the same! They have a victory when they make it one day, one week, one month clean from their particular flavor of "sin that so easily entangles" but what is my flavor? Did I have the victory of a "clean"week?